The month after

Stefany Fernández
3 min readFeb 28, 2022

Hi! It has been a month since I found myself without a job (for the first time in my live) and I can tell you that when you’re someone who has migrated 6 years ago, from Venezuela to Spain, thankfully with the perk of having Spanish nationality, being without a job is a really stressful situation, and add to that the fact that I live alone and have two gorgeous cats that also don’t have a job.

Having said all that, I’m at a point in my life where I just had to hit pause for a moment and just watch and decide what I want to do with my life (I’m almost 30, yay) and I’ve decided a number of things related to the design world, as we live it right now, that I would like to share with you, just in case that you’re as lost as I am:

  • Keep studying, by yourself, on a educational center, whatever the way, don’t stop doing that, I’m currently doing an Editorial Master and I couldn’t be happier, I’m also enrolled on some free courses of different themes.
  • Don’t lose your curiosity, keep questioning everything, googling what you don’t know, and what you do but want to know more about. If you had told me 5 years ago that I was going to be able to build a website from scratch, with its design, code, functionality and publication, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. But it was precisely my curiosity that wanted to get involved in that and challenge myself to do it, the result? my website (go and see it, I’m really proud of it).
  • Listen to your inner child, he or she knows better.
  • Go to parks, stop from time to time just to breath and see all the things that you’ve in your live right now, and be thankful for them. Sometimes we don’t know how lucky we’re of being where we are and having what we have.
  • Travel, a lot and all you can. Discover new cultures, food, people and amazing places.

Well I got a little philosophical, just remember that at the end, the only things that will matter, are those that you have the courage to do.

I’ve decided and created a plan:

Get -> Work + Bigger house + Doggie

Now is my time to focus on each step.

For the work part I’m already on the searching, after 5 years, a lot have changed and apparently everyone want a Product Designer, who basically is a full designer that is involved on a project from the beginning to the end, just what I’ve done these years, but with another name.

On my search I’ve crossed with a company that seems a good thing, named Toptal, they hire freelancers of all kinds and connect them with great companies, I’m on the application phase yet, and they say that if I do a blog post about me, like a cover letter, it would help me to get notice, so here it is haha. They’ve a lot of professionals and skills that is so difficult to decide just one, I think, mine would be Layout Design, because I strongly believe that a good layout, is the basis of everything.

I hope you’ve liked this post, and that it helped / inspired you somehow. :)

